Couples therapy for strengthening your relationship
An Expert in the Field of
Couples Therapy
I co-authored Navigating Intimacy with AASECT-certified sex therapist Dr. Bailey Hanek. This book gives therapists the foundational knowledge necessary for working with couples, integrating the top research-based theories and interventions from both couples and sex therapy fields.
Couples come to therapy to address a number of problems, but all have the goal of having a happier, healthier relationship. Some couples are so disconnected they barely speak while others have explosive fights. No matter the issue, therapy can help. I specialize in treating couples where one partner has anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. I am EFT-certified but have also trained in several couples therapy approaches, and tailor my work to best fit what the couple is seeking and needing.
For those interested in proactive, time-limited, and transformative couples work, I offer a couples intensive. This 6-hour session offered on Saturdays allows us to dive into the issues. We diagnose the problem, practice new skills and ways of communicating, and accelerate progress. Couples who are in crisis and need intense, immediate support, or those interested in making fast progress are a good fit for an intensive.
I enjoy discussing and sharing my expertise on relationships and couples therapy with a wider audience. I also speak on the benefit of company's prioritizing and supporting the health of their employee's romantic relationships. I am available for speaking engagements and have given trainings/talks on topics including how to navigate hookup culture and modern dating, skills for managing emotional flooding, and how to strengthen romantic relationships.
You want a good relationship. I want that for you, too.
Although it can be a great source of happiness, romantic relationships can also cause significant distress. I work with my clients to help them to create, sustain, and strengthen these important connections.
Many of my clients start therapy because they want to improve communication and feel more connected.
Perhaps you're looking for better communication and connection, too. Maybe you are in a relationship with someone you love, but you want to stop the recurring fights that lead nowhere. Small issues become huge arguments. You keep bringing up problems that need to be solved, or you avoid talking about them altogether since it always leads to a fight. You want to build a life with this person, but don't know how to be heard, prioritized, cared for, and in harmony.
Most couples want to speak to each other about tough issues with more kindness and collaboration, but find themselves stuck in the same fight over and over. They want to communicate better but don't know how, and end up feeling more hurt and alone after each conversation.
If you're ready to improve your relationship and find more happiness with your loved one, I'm here to help.​
My therapy practice has limited openings at this time, but I offer coaching and other resources for couples looking to strengthen and grow their relationship. To learn more about it, click here.
And remember, the most meaningful growth comes from the most challenging situations.

Check out my blog on Psychology Today-